As with every facet of life, technology’s role in the fitness arena has grown leaps and bounds – and we'll add “reps” in there for good measure.
Happen to be wearing a fitness tracker or smart watch now? If you aren’t, it may only be a matter of time until you decide it’s a must-have. The American College of Sports Medicine has again named wearable technology the top fitness trend for 2023.
But “everyone’s doing it” is the last reason to fit technology into a fitness routine. Instead, consider the following benefits.
Instant Tracking Capabilities
Whether you’re wearing it on your wrist, finger or around your chest or keeping tabs via smartphone, technology has the ability to offer great insight into personal health and wellness. Some of the data a fitness tracker, smart watch, heart rate monitor and GPS device can reveal includes:
Heart rate
Sitting time
Body temperature
Steps/miles logged
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation
Respiratory rate
To track your body with the utmost accuracy, consider a 3D body scan like Etage’s FIT3D, which delves into circumference measurements and body fat percentages, along with metrics related to posture, balance and basal metabolic rate (how one’s body burns calories in a resting state).
All of the above information is helpful to have at various stages of the fitness journey. Whether you're just starting out at the gym and in need of a baseline assessment, have a well-established exercise routine but want to avoid plateauing, or need to train for an upcoming race or other competition, technology makes it much easier to track progress and physical health.
Ease of Communication
Technology has also transformed how we communicate in the wellness sector, specifically when it comes to the trainer-client relationship.
With mobile exercise apps like Etage’s Premier Training App, gymgoers can stay in touch with their personal trainers like never before. With custom programming, fitness and meal tracking, and online coaching capabilities, our app facilitates better trainer-client interactions and keeps everyone aligned and on the same page in pursuit of progress at the gym, at home or even on the go.
Adventure Awaits
Last but certainly not least, technology opens the door for fitness-goers to visit new places and pursue new experiences. Turn the average stationary bike ride into the Tour de France with the push of a button. Stream a yoga or pilates class from some exotic location across the globe. Or slip on a VR headset to get a total-body workout from the formerly sedentary gaming experience. Adding some adventure – and fun – to your exercise routine is crucial to avoid boredom and burnout.
Technology has the power to elevate the exercise routine in ample ways.
Contact us to get connected to the best tools available.